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Your Web3 project
3 lines of code away

dappKit is a powerful SDK that allows you to develop beautiful web3 apps
ERC-721 or ERC1155

Non-Fungible Tokens

Create, Deploy and Mint your own NFTs following the industry standards

import { Erc721Standard } from "@taikai/dappkit";

const nftToken = new Erc721Standard(
  { web3Host: "",
    privateKey: "*"
  }, "0xContractAddress"

await nftToken.start();
await"0xWalletAddress", "tokenId-1");

The only SDK you’ll ever need

With the dappKit, you can build Web3 integrations in a matter of minutes. We mean it.

Easy setup and user-friendly documentation

With generated documentation from source and a Gitbook documentation maintained by the community, we have it all.

Less time researching

We follow the standards and provide an easy interactable one-stop-shop for all your contract needs.

Web3 features integration with just a few lines of code

We made dappKit because we also felt the pain of repeating code when interacting with the blockchain.

Simple integration with any smart contract

The base of dappKit is an extensible model that can interact with any provided Application Binary Interface.

Advanced Features

Connect to an EVM Blockchain node in 3 lines of code

Connecting is as easy as providing a RPC Url and (optionally) a private key to the WebConnection and calling a connect method.

Interact with EVM Smart Contract methods and public data

The Model class provides two important methods, sendTx and callTx with which its possible to interact with any deployed contract on the blockchain; The same class also provides all methods, and typings, under the contract.methods property getter.

Deploy standard and custom contracts

ERC-20, ERC-1155, ERC-721, or other custom contracts can be deployed to any EVM compatible blockchain. By providing the Model with a Web3Connection and an ABI array, the deploy() function becomes available, providing the required arguments will return a TransactionReceipt holding the new contractAddress. You can even use dappKit to create custom typescript or javascript scripts to interact with any EVM blockchain

Web3 Utilities

dappKit provides its own utilities as well as the ones from web3js, where first you need to import individually when used and the latter is bundled under the Web3Connection.Web3.utils property.

Wallet Integration

Integrates easily with Metamask to sign and submit smart contract transactions in your javascript dapp.

Generate a wrapper for your EVM contract

Interact with your smart contract on your dapp by generating a typescript/javascript wrapper.

Project templates

Start your project with an open-source repository.

Custom solutions with
Bepro Network

Create bounties and have a Web3 developer community building the right solution for your projects.

Start contributing with dappKit and get rewarded

Earn $BEPRO Tokens by participating in an open-source project with dappKit.


Free to use. Now and forever!

even with advanced features 😉

Projects built with dappKit